Barcode management through our hybrid solution for eCommerce


euShipments Barcode Management provides efficient management of your inventory and international online sales

Barcodes* are designed to facilitate commerce. They are particularly important for online merchants who want to improve their operational process and grow their business accordingly. The reasons are:


💠 They increase the speed of processing online orders through the product scanning process


💠 Facilitate product inventory management 


💠 Minimize the probability of order fulfillment errors


💠 Enable automation of the fulfillment process


What is important to know about barcodes and fulfillment services


Some fulfillment businesses only scan and use the original product barcodes in the operational process. In most cases, this is an acceptable model. However, when a product does not have a factory barcode, human errors can occur when processing online orders. This is because the lack of a barcode prevents software verification (by scanning) that the product belongs to the corresponding order.


For this reason, other fulfillment businesses choose to use only their own barcodes. However, this takes time to create, print and place barcodes on products. And when the product originally has a functional barcode, re-barcoding is a completely unnecessary process.


The optimal model is the hybrid one, where the fulfillment provider has the flexibility to use both options. This is how we at proceed, as we can scan and operate with both original barcodes and create barcodes for products that do not have their own barcode. In this way, we provide efficient and fast fulfillment through a fully automated process for maximum security of your products and online orders.


In rare cases, two online merchants using the same fulfillment warehouse sell the same product as well, hence the same barcode is available. We have an operational solution for the situation – we re-barcode with our own barcodes carrying the information of different merchants. In this way, we maintain a maximum degree of regularity in terms of product availability and completely eliminate the possibility of confusion of identical products from different merchants.


The barcode handling model is an important and often ignored detail by online merchants when it comes to fulfillment. That’s why we at have thought of everything and have a solution for you even before you have identified a possible problem. This way, you run your online business calmly and confidently with a reliable logistics partner behind you.


* A barcode is the graphic symbol on a product that contains coded information about the merchant and the product. It is designed to be machine readable using barcode scanners. is also a socially responsible company, allocating funds from each processed shipment in its budget to support various social causes and initiatives. By entrusting their shipments to them, online merchants help various causes in support of disadvantaged people and various social and sports initiatives related to child and youth education and development.


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Our sales team is at your disposal for consultation and more information about the logistics services we offer for online stores.

They can be contacted via:

✆ 0700 70 755

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